My weakness he (2)

ONCЕ (7х3): Snapped and did

MUSIC: Our watches

Rogers was still tense about Weaver’s antics. Touch, direct glances and feelings that have subsided. Something is clearly wrong.

— What are you thinking about so much? -Weaver asked with a sneer.

— It doesn’t matter — Rogers replied coldly.

— You don’t look very well, everything is fine? — Weaver asks.

— Of course yes… — Rogers replied.

— Whatever say — Weaver glances at the steering wheel and starts to start the car.

Already at the station. Only in the warehouse of things.

— How cold it has become here lately, can fix the heating — thought Rogers.

— The pipe burst, I don’t look like a professional — Weaver said.

— Well, or a moron who does not understand pipes — Rogers goes to the table.

— How rude you are — Weaver jokes.

— Humor from the mother — Rogers opened up.

— What was she like? — Weaver asked.

— Responsive, good, the best possible mom. When she died father got drunk and… actually everything — Rogers replied.

— Understand, me truly sorry for you — sucking up to Weaver.

— Thanks — Rogers thanked.

A surge of memories:

Rogers grabs his head when the conversations started in it. It was a terrible pain.

— You like me crocodile, аlthough I still can’t figure it out how did you make Belle fall in love with you? Cora and Regina even fell in you love, do they really like cowards — the blow and Gold from this ends up on the floor.

— Why are you asking me this?… — Rumple asked.

— Shut up gold, I didn’t knock you down to talk — Hook magically removed Excalibur and touched the belt on his jeans.

— Don’t even think about it — Rumple shouted and started trying to escape from the pirate, whose plan was clearly not good.

— Stand golden — Rumple falls from who knows what, and then the magic of the Hook began to pull at his feet.

— Stop it! let go — Rumple asks and pleads.

— Lie still, believe I will be gentle in your first time — Hook said and sat down on the Rumple.

— Stop don’t do this! — shouts Rumple.

— How do you excite me — Hook puts a gag in Rumple mouth.

— No please — Rumpel tries to push the annoying pirate away, with a hand that was just on the press.

— Come on, I want to hear your voice — said excitedly Hook.


Rogers opened his eyes and got up from the floor.

— Do you have headaches? — Weaver asked.

— Take your hands away from me! — Rogers is angry and quickly pins Weaver to the bars.

— Be carefu, don’t be so angry — tries to calm Weaver Rogers’a.

— This city isn’t real right, tell! — Rogers demanded.

— As you guessed? — Weaver asked.

— In my hear there is introduction, still like memories of the past — Rogers replied and let  Weaver — there’s me and you, fought on the ship and then between us happens — Rogers became nervous.

— Kiss — Weaver added.

— You Rumpelstiltskin, that is, then I get Captain Hook… — he remembered everything. All the details. Moments. Complex relationships. Even that fight.

After 29 minutes.

— Regina will answer to me for everything — Hook started.

— First we need to find Snow and David, talk to them and then look for мrs. mayor — it was a good plan.

Hook and Rumpel set off and their way was to Storybrook.

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